Wednesday 1 June 2011

Future of Pakistan

I am remembering 3rd June 1947 when british rulers decided to leave India and devide in parts, tomorrow is the 3rd June 2011 and I want Americans to promise to leave Pakistan but without deviding it. Pakistan is always in sensitive situation so many of our dictators ruled on Pakistan due to sensitive situations. Nice to rule on very difficult country but easy to make money while you are part of ruling party. Most innocent of our country is our ruler class who couldn't finish its hunger from 67 years, of how hungery are they? We don't need any advice but our rulers to finish their hunger please American let them eat all your aid and get them with you for your recovery and don't disturb poor. Thanks a lot.

Our govt

Pakistan has line of understanding, but why?
no one from pakistan or united states or even any part of the world is agree to trust on it.

Dr Abdul Qadeer's column on 28th May 2011

Dr abdul Qadeer wrote a thoughtful mirror about the current situation of Pakistan's Govt and Opposition, While considering Zulifiqar Ali Bhuto a great hieght personality, he considers today's rulers most insulted ones and no marks for Nawaz Sharif the opposition leader who was counted as friendly opposition head.
I am astonished that if these lines would be written by column in any of the developed country or even in India that would be cause of many resignation in a day but we are senseless nation so no senses of natural feelings found in our rulers who could not maintain the minimum respect level of ex-dictator Musharaf who was dictating for nine years and leaded the nation to the minimum level of respect in eye of Pakistan's real rulers (Americans).
Dr used a language which is not supposed to be used by him, no matter for whom he used to comment bu one should be respectful. Dr proved himself a best politician but could not hold himself to had have a credit of atomic tests in 1998 and had clash with Dr Samar and some others, it is easy to suppose some persons and consider them good for nation but llok into the matter Dr, Shahbaz is the real brother to Nawaz and Imran is  preaching for the attacks in Pakistan is reaction of war on terror (that these are by Taliban "Muslims") while these attacks are being made by American sponsored and financed people.
Imran shoul know that if anybody is in reaction to the American attcks (of drowns) than it  should attack
1) Americans citizen in Pakistan
2) American assets in Pakistan
3) Nato assets in Pakistan
4) Govt of Pakistan' peoples
5) Assets of Pakistani rulers 
And non of the muslim supposed to attack on the assets of Pakistan's state.
Dr should not  consider him as a most saged politician of the country and   should not supposed to opposed the choice of the people of Pakistan even Zardari or Gelani. Dr should jump into the smelling canal of bloody politics.